Friday, June 13, 2008

Feeling Vunerable

I started with this blog being open to the public. But after some nasty comments I changed the address a bit and made it private. The whole "angry adoptee" comments really surprised me. I couldn't understand why anyone would take what I have said in such a negative way. But as we think about what adoption does and who it helps we can see that adoption is something the adversary doesn't want people to understand. Missinformation and negative myths that are spread online about adoption become just another tool for the adversary to use. I am planning to keep this private just because it contains such personal feelings....but this whole expereince has made me even more sure that my voice, along with your voice needs to be heard in society. Adoption IS a loving option!

Monday, June 2, 2008


I was creating a playlist for this blog and came across a song that I always loved. I clicked on it to play it and the flood of feelings came back to me. I realized this song is a triggers those feelings of longing for the birth experience. It is amazing how music can bring up emotions that have been dealt with long ago. Even though I am not grieving the birth experience anymore...I can remember every feeling and thought. This song is called "This Woman's Work". It is in the movie "She's Having a Baby".
Another trigger I have is going in to see friends/family who have recently given birth. Seeing the nursery at the hospital and all the flowers and the smiling faces of everyone who is congratulating the parents. While I am always very happy and excited about the new baby and happy for our family and also always reminds me what I didn't get to do with my husband. This trigger has gotten much easier the past 3 years.
What triggers do you have?